Discover insights from IT/OT Insider Podcast hosts David and Willem as they explore their journeys in industrial digitalization, discuss the challenges of IT/OT convergence, and share their vision for effective integration in manufacturing.
Behind the (podcast) scenes: David and Willem
Discover insights from IT/OT Insider Podcast hosts David and Willem as they explore their journeys in industrial digitalization, discuss the challenges of IT/OT convergence, and share their vision for effective integration in manufacturing.
Transcript of Unpacking Digitalization and Sustainability with Mike Hughes, Zone President at Schneider Electric
Explore insights from Mike Hughes, Zone President at Schneider Electric, on the future of digitalization in manufacturing, the convergence of IT and OT, and how sustainability drives digital transformation.
Unpacking Digitalization and Sustainability with Mike Hughes, Zone President at Schneider Electric
Explore insights from Mike Hughes, Zone President at Schneider Electric, on the future of digitalization in manufacturing, the convergence of IT and OT, and how sustainability drives digital transformation.
Transcript of Bridging the Data Value Gap: A Conversation on IT/OT Data Integration with Shiv Trisal (Databricks)
Join the IT/OT Insider Podcast as David and Shiv Trisal from Databricks discuss IT/OT convergence, generative AI, and the transformative power of data in reshaping industries like manufacturing and aviation.
Bridging the Data Value Gap: A Conversation on IT/OT Data Integration with Shiv Trisal (Databricks)
Join the IT/OT Insider Podcast as David and Shiv Trisal from Databricks discuss IT/OT convergence, generative AI, and the transformative power of data in reshaping industries like manufacturing and aviation.